Frequently Asked Questions

Here Are A Few Frequently Asked Questions We Get!

Are French Bulldogs Good Companion Dogs?

We may be a little biased, but Frenchies are the best! They make wonderful companion dogs and are the perfect addition to a family.  Besides being entertaining and fun, they are also very loving. The French Bulldog is charming, easy to groom, and requires little exercise.

Are French Bulldogs Smart?

There is no doubt that Frenchies are an intelligent and very smart breed of dog. They display their smartness at home and in other activities.

In contrast, French bulldogs can be stubborn and challenging to train. When it comes to French Bulldogs, patience is key.

Do French Bulldogs Shed?

Yes, but these dogs have a single coat and shed less than most other breeds.

Are The French Bulldogs Healthy?

When we started Dream Workz Frenchies, it was out goal to help preserve the breed by breeding the right way and not cutting any corners and making sure that we are putting healthy Bulldogs into the arms of loving families. We do a lot of genetic testing and background research into any dogs that we look to bring into the program. Our pups health and well-being is our top priority!

What Is The Life Expectancy Of A French Bulldog?

The life expectancy of a French Bulldog is between 10-14 years.

Do You Do Genetic Testing and Background Research Before You Bring In A New French Bulldog?

Yes, we do a lot of genetic testing and background research into any dogs that we look to bring into the program. We do test for genetic defects in regards to IVDD, and eye issues, DM which is a spinal deformity, we will also check for vet records. So if we're looking at bringing in a puppy, we will ask for the vet records for the mother and the father. We like to make sure that there isn't any behavioral issues as well. We don't typically look to bring in any dogs that come from a puppy mill. We want them raised in a loving home environment and we have been very fortunate that all of the puppies that we've produced have had excellent temperaments, excellent health, and we're creating what we in term dreamed of in regards to the puppies.

Are Our French Bulldogs Socialized?

All of our Frenchies are well socialized from birth by us and our children. When our Frenchies are not inside with us, they live with one or two buddies in climate-controlled kennels with large play areas and the entire yard to run free. Our puppies are raised inside the large mothers’ room, which is part of our home, until the time they leave to go to their new families. They get all the socialization they can handle and get a little spoiled in the process.

Are Your Prices Firm?

We do understand everyone has different incomes & different budgets BUT we DO NOT lower our pricing based on your WANTS. Our prices are set based on our expenditures for our quality dogs, in depth planning & testing, quality care, high quality breedings and our consistency & dedication to providing a healthy, well loved, socialized puppy. Frenchies are insanely expensive to breed compared to other breeds so do your research. Our pet home pups begin at $3500 & up. Breeders should have done their research and know $4500 & up for rights is very fair plus definitely varies greatly for specific DNA. Disclaimer: We will not let our hardwork and lineage go to any program. We also require full mentorship for any newer breeder so that we know you are equipped and ready to save lives. 

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